About the Journal
At-Tasyri' Journal is a journal published by the Sharia Economic Law Study Program (Mu'amalah), Sharia Faculty of the Riyadlatul Mujahidin Ngabar Islamic Institute (IAIRM) Ponorogo.
This journal has been registered with ISSN with number 2716-0866
At-Tasyri' Journal is published twice a year, namely every January and July. At-Tasyri' research journal communicates research results from lecturers and practitioners in the scientific fields of Law, Islamic Law, Contemporary Economics, Sharia Economics, Legal Thought and Sharia Legal Thought, Legal Philosophy and Islamic Legal Philosophy
please be aware of fraud in the name of at-tasyri journal
at-tasyri'': the journal of Islamic law and Islamic economics does not issue an LOA before the article is definitely accepted and will be published