Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah2024-08-16T04:03:31+00:00Fatakhul Hudafatakhul17@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>TAQORRUB adalah Jurnal akademik yang menekankan pada isu-isu aktual yang berkaitan dengan Bimbingan Konseling, kajian Dakwah dan dinamika perkembangan Dakwah, yang terkait dengan Program Studi Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam (BPI) Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo. Jurnal Taqorrub diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun (setiap enam bulan sekali, terbit bulan Juni dan Desember) oleh Program Studi Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam (BPI) Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo.</p> Sebaya Sebagai Wasilah Hisbah Dalam Mengatasi Pelanggaran Mahasiswi di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Bahasa Arab Ar Raayah Sukabumi2024-08-15T14:00:33+00:00Tatang Sa’<p><em>In this day and age, evil occurs in every crevice of human life. It has become a custom and is considered normal. Responding to this problem, it is necessary to have an amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar or commonly referred to as hisbah/ihtisab. Where hisbah/ihtisab requires an appropriate wasilah in order to achieve optimal results. The purpose of this study is to analyze peer counseling as a wasilah hisbah in overcoming female students' violations at STIBA Ar Raayah. The type of approach taken in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach with data processing from literature review sources and interviews. Data analysis is done by means of interactive analysis. The result of this study is that peer counseling is a suitable means in the context of optimizing hisbah. Peer counseling can be grouped into two forms, namely through group counseling and night reflection.</em></p>2024-07-27T23:54:44+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Metode Three-Step Interview untuk Membangun Kepercayaan Diri Mahasiswa dalam Speaking2024-07-29T01:44:31+00:00Siti Khusnul<p>Abstract</p> <p>This study aims to find out whether: (1) Three-Step Interview is more effective than Direct Instruction for teaching speaking, (2) Students who have high confidence have better speaking ability than students who have low confidence. This research was conducted at Institut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin (IAIRM) Ngabar Ponorogo in the academic year 2023/2024. The population of this study were students of the Riyadlotul Mujahidin Islamic Institute (IAIRM) Ngabar Ponorogo. The sample of this study came from first semester students in the 2023/2024 academic year. The research method used is experimental research. The sample was taken using cluster random sampling. The research data were collected using questionnaires and speaking tests. The questionnaire was used to classify students into two groups, namely students who have high confidence and students who have low confidence. The speaking test was used to determine the ability of students' speaking skills. After normality and homogeneity tests were conducted, hypothesis testing was done. The speaking test data was analyzed using 2 x 2 analysis of variance and Tukey test.</p> <p>Based on the data analysis, there are several research findings that can be drawn. First, the Three-Step Interview method is more effective than the Direct Instruction method in teaching speaking. Second, students who have high self-confidence have better speaking ability compared to students who have low self-confidence. The effectiveness of the teaching method is influenced by the students' confidence level. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the Three-Step Interview method is an effective method for teaching speaking to first semester students of the Riyadlotul Mujahidin Islamic Institute (IAIRM) Ngabar Ponorogo in the 2023/2024 academic year. Therefore, the use of Three-Step Interview is recommended in teaching speaking. To achieve good results, the basic elements and procedures of the Three-Step Interview must be well implemented in the teaching-learning process. Since there is an interaction between teaching methods (Three-Step Interview and Direct Instruction) and students' confidence in teaching speaking, the two methods can be used to complement each other in teaching speaking so that students with high confidence and students with low confidence can obtain optimal achievement in learning to speak. Optimal achievement in learning to speak.</p>2024-07-27T23:55:41+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Diri Dan Liyan (Other) Dalam Pandangan Filsafat Dakwah2024-07-29T01:44:31+00:00Siti<p>In general, the aim of preaching is to change human behavior both individually and socially. In order to achieve this goal, a preacher needs to understand the concept of self and others. This research aims to understand the concept of self and other from the perspective of da'wah philosophy, as well as knowing the implications of understanding the concept of self and other from the perspective of missionary philosophy. Literature review was used in writing this article. This research produced the following findings: (1) self-concept is understood as an individual's perspective on themselves, both physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and socially. So others are people who are separated, marginalized, from the roles of managing shared life because they are considered not included in a particular social community (2) Understanding the concept of self and other in preaching is important because it can have implications for: increasing the effectiveness of preaching, strengthening good relations between preachers and the object of da'wah, as well as between fellow preachers, strengthening the internalization of da'wah values, and the success of social change efforts.</p>2024-07-28T03:26:42+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Peran Ibu dalam Mengembangkan Konsep Fitrah pada Diri Anak di Era Digitalisasi Dakwah2024-07-29T01:44:31+00:00Linda Ayu<p>Abstract</p> <p>This study aims to analyze the internalization of the mother's role in developing the concept of fitah in children in the current era of digitalization of da'wah. The method used in this research uses descriptive qualitative research with the leterature review method. The sources used are several journals, books, and documents as well as sources of data or information that are considered relevant to this research. This research was conducted by collecting, managing and summarizing from 20 national journals that are relevant to the keywords then interpreting them into unique new findings. The results showed that: 1) There are 7 fitrahs owned by humans, including the fitrah of faith, survival, learning to serve, love, interaction, sexuality, and responsibility. 2) The role of mothers in developing children's fitrah can be done as exemplified by the Prophet, including exemplary, habituation, advice, monitoring/supervision, and punishment. 3) Digitalization of da'wah as a strategy in the process of internalizing the role of mothers can be done by utilizing social media, namely YouTube and Instagram.</p>2024-07-29T01:24:53+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Teori Behavior dalam Konseling Individu dan Kelompok 2024-07-29T01:44:31+00:00Tri Wulandari -triwulan187@gmail.comDina Hajja<p><em>The integration of behavior theory in individual and group counseling has emerged as a pertinent topic in psychology and counseling. Stemming from the works of pioneers like John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, behavior theory emphasizes observable behavior change through environmental understanding and modification. This paper explores its application in counseling, examining benefits, challenges, and effective techniques such as reinforcement, exposure therapy, modeling, and behavioral activation. While offering structured, data-driven approaches, integration faces challenges like neglecting internal client factors and therapeutic rapport. Nevertheless, its structured framework facilitates goal setting, intervention, and evaluation, promoting positive behavior change and psychological well-being</em></p>2024-07-29T01:33:22+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Unveiled: Dialogue and Cooperation with Sufism Approach as a Solution in Conflict Management Among Islamic Community Organization Cadres in Legislative Elections in Indonesia2024-08-16T04:03:31+00:00Rijal Wakhid<p>This research departs from the problem of Islamic mass organizations which often experience conflicts between members at the time of general elections, especially when several mass organization cadres compete to run for legislative candidates. Conflicts can arise due to a variety of factors, including conflicts of interest, internal conflicts, and conflicts with other nominees, ethical conflicts, and legal conflicts. The tasawuf approach can help conflict management for mass organization cadres by teaching values such as trustworthiness, muhasabah, tawazun, makrifah, and sincerity. Tawakal can help mass organization cadres to reduce anxiety and worry about the election results. Muhasabah can help mass organization cadres to reflect on their actions and find the right solution to resolve conflicts. Tawazun can help mass organization cadres to balance personal and mass organization interests. Makrifah can help mass organization cadres understand different perspectives and respect differences. Ikhlas can help mass organization cadres to act according to correct principles and to fight for goals that are bigger than individual goals. With the tasawuf approach in conflict management, it is a new instrument as a step to reduce the intensity of organizational conflict.</p>2024-08-16T04:03:31+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah